
Person Image

I'm Rajat

a Web Developer

and Designer

Here are some of my projects

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Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Officiis aspernatur qui ipsa rerum voluptate officia temporibus asperiores illo nisi. Sed, iste inventore odit consectetur facere soluta quas eos doloremque repellat!

Laptop Image

A modern website and a full stack project created with Nextjs, React, MongoDB, Bcryptjs, Google and Facebook authentication and Stripe for payment and other modern technologies. It includes all the functionalities that contains a modern resturant website.

Phone Image

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Officiis aspernatur qui ipsa rerum voluptate officia temporibus asperiores illo nisi. Sed, iste inventore odit consectetur facere soluta quas eos doloremque repellat!

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